Single Mom Betters Life for Her Family

Yvette with her mom and sister

Growing up Juliet had a tough childhood in Maryland. Her family faced evictions, she fell into the wrong crowd and dropped out of school. After having her first son 14 years ago, Juliet knew that she never wanted her son to go though what she went through. After having her second child, she began to focus on laying a foundation of a better life for her children.

Upon Googling housing for low income families, Juliet came across Interfaith Housing Alliance’s (IHA) Self-Help Housing Purchase Repair program. She overcame her fear of rejection and uncertainty and called them. She met with IHA staff and found out that she did not currently qualify for the eloan. At first she was heartbroken. Then, she made a promise to give her kids the security that she never had and a place to call home. She would have to work hard to become eligbile. Over the next six months, Juliet put in tones of overtime, missing out on time with her boys, she paid off debt and saved the needed funds to apply for the program. She called IHA back and they submitted her loan application to USDA. The happiest day of her life was when she got her certificate of eligibility.

After looking at nearly 20 homes, she finally found that one that will be her “forever home”. It needed some work, but had a great yard for her sons to play in.

See the full story on YouTube: Juliet’s Story

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